Photoshop Plugin Akvis-Decorator V 2.0 64 Bit
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How to Use Photoshop Plugin Akvis-Decorator v 2.0 64 bit to Enhance Your Images
If you are looking for a way to add some creativity and flair to your photos, you might want to try the Photoshop plugin Akvis-Decorator v 2.0 64 bit. This plugin allows you to change the surface of any object in your image, such as clothing, furniture, walls, or even skin. You can apply different textures, colors, patterns, or effects to create realistic or artistic results.
In this article, we will show you how to use Akvis-Decorator v 2.0 64 bit to enhance your images in a few simple steps.
Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin
To use Akvis-Decorator v 2.0 64 bit, you need to have Adobe Photoshop installed on your computer. You can download the plugin from the official website of Akvis here. After downloading the plugin, run the installation file and follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to enter your license key to activate the plugin.
Once the installation is complete, you can launch Photoshop and find the plugin under the Filter menu. Select AKVIS > Decorator to open the plugin window.
Step 2: Select an Object and a Texture
In the plugin window, you will see two tabs: Before and After. The Before tab shows your original image and the After tab shows the result of applying the plugin. You can switch between the tabs by clicking on them or using the spacebar.
To select an object that you want to change, you can use one of the selection tools on the toolbar. You can use the Quick Selection tool, the Magic Wand tool, or the Lasso tool to make a rough selection of the object. You can also use the Eraser tool or the Brush tool to refine the selection.
After making a selection, you can choose a texture from the Texture Library on the right panel. The Texture Library contains various categories of textures, such as Fabric, Metal, Stone, Wood, Nature, etc. You can also add your own textures by clicking on the Add Texture button and browsing your computer.
When you select a texture, you will see a preview of how it will look on your object in the After tab. You can adjust the size, angle, brightness, and opacity of the texture using the sliders below the preview.
Step 3: Apply and Save Your Image
When you are happy with your selection and texture, you can click on the Run button at the top of the window to apply the plugin to your image. You will see a progress bar showing how long it will take to process your image.
After applying the plugin, you can compare your original image and your result by using the buttons on the toolbar. You can also use the History panel on the left to undo or redo any changes you made.
To save your image, you can click on the Save button at the top of the window. You can choose to save your image as a new file or overwrite your original file. You can also choose to save your image with or without layers.
Akvis-Decorator v 2.0 64 bit is a powerful and easy-to-use Photoshop plugin that can help you transform any object in your image with different textures and effects. You can use it to create realistic or artistic images that will impress your viewers.
If you want to learn more about Akvis-Decorator v 2.0 64 bit or download a free trial version, you can visit the official website of Akvis. aa16f39245